Many people think exercise should be avoided when experiencing back pain. However, inactivity can increase back pain as the back becomes stiff, weak, and in poor condition. As pain increases, activity is further decreased, causing even more back pain. People are afraid to exercise because they fear exercise will aggravate their existing back pain. This makes them dependent upon medical treatment and minimizes the importance of exercise to their healing and providing long-term relief of back pain. In reality, exercise nourishes and repairs the anatomical structure of the back and helps alleviate back problems. Most back pain and problems can be relieved through movement that stimulates the natural healing process of the body and provides a long-term solution for reducing back pain.
Our healthy back exercise program helps keep the back healthy, flexible, and strong, and reduces the incidence of further injury and pain.
Our Trainers will design an appropriate exercise program that meets individual needs. For more information on how to schedule this highly effective low-intensity exercise program, go to the Information form.